Exploring Twice-Exceptional Education Series 2023-24
Presenter: Claire E. Hughes, Ph.D., Ed.S.
A collaboration of the Minnesota and Nebraska State Departments of Education, Minnesota Council for the Gifted & Talented (MCGT), Minnesota Educators of the Gifted & Talented (MEGT),
and Nebraska Association for the Gifted
4 Sessions: Tuesdays, 12:30-2:30pm CT, via Zoom.
Registration is required.
October 24, 2023
December 5, 2023
January 23, 2024
February 20, 2024
Gifted children with disabilities are often confusing and confounding to themselves and others. This webinar series explores twice-exceptional children from diverse viewpoints: their characteristics and needs, educational strategies, mental health supports, and collaboration approaches. Participants in this series will leave with practical, evidence-based strategies that allow them to advocate for and support these complex learners. Session descriptions below.
Dr. Claire E. Hughes is a Professor of Special Education and Gifted Education at Cleveland State University. Previously, she was Faculty Director of Special Education at Canterbury Christ Church University in the UK, and a Fulbright Scholar to Greece. She has been on boards with the Special Populations Network of NAGC, TAG, and the Teacher Education Divisions of the Council for Exceptional Children. Her research areas include: twice-exceptional children, Generational studies, and international education.
Fee for the 4-session series: $50.00. Registration is required.
Zoom link to join the workshop will be sent the day before each session. Zoom sessions will be recorded and made available to those who are registered to attend.
This training is intended for gifted education coordinators, specialists, and those with responsibility for planning school services for gifted students. At the time of registration, each attendee may also register one SPED or general ed classroom teacher to attend with them as a guest free of charge. (To add a guest after you have registered, or to make changes to your guest registration, please email info@mcgt.net).
8 hours of CEUs from either the Minnesota Department of Education or the Nebraska Department of Education will be emailed to attendees following the final session.
Session 1, October 24: What is a Twice-Exceptional Child?
Gifted children can also have disabilities. Understanding how these two sets of differences exist in the same child requires psychologists, teachers and families to look for strengths while understanding the impact of disability on the expression of those strengths. This session explores characteristics and needs of twice-exceptional children and provides metaphors and definitions for understanding them.
Session 2, December 5: How Do We Educate Twice-Exceptional Children?
Special education strategies focus on support and access to curriculum, while gifted education strategies focus on the advancement and enrichment of the curriculum. This session explores these strategies from both gifted education and special education that can be integrated to provide an educational experience that both develops strengths and mediates the impacts of disabilities.
Session 3, January 23: How Can We Support the Mental Health of Twice-Exceptional Children?
Twice-exceptional children often experience wavering self-concepts, confidence, and emotional regulation in different environments with different demands. This session focuses on the emotional supports, educational approaches, and classroom-based strategies that can be used to help twice-exceptional students find their voice and advocate for their own needs.
Session 4, February 20: How Can Teachers, Parents, and Educational Systems Collaborate to Help Twice-Exceptional Children?
Twice-exceptional children need the expertise of gifted education professionals, special education professionals, school psychologists, counselors, and families. Creating strengths-based IEPs and other educational interventions requires multiple systems that include Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), collaboration, and effective communication skills. This session focused on how adults can work together to create an integrated, strengths-oriented education for twice-exceptional students.
You are signing up for a four day series, virtual workshop.
Cost for the Series: $50.00
$10 invoicing fee applies to all invoices, invoice 30 days after first workshop.
Request for special accommodations must be submitted in writing and received a minimum of 14 business days prior to each session. Please note, we are unable to provide copies of the presentation prior to the presentation.
Online Registration opens on August 31, 2023
Cancellation Deadline: Friday, October 20, 2023 (5pm)
Fillable, Printable PDF Registration Form
Digital Flier - png
Printable Flier - pdf
Contact - Registration Questions:
Jennifer Farner, MCGT, 952.848.4906, info@mcgt.net
Contact - Program Questions:
Wendy Behrens, 651.582.8786, wendy.behrens@state.mn.us
Sheyanne Smith, 531.207.4096, sheyanne.smith@nebraska.gov
If you are paying by check or purchase order, please make your check payable to MCGT (Minnesota Council for the Gifted & Talented) and mail to:
Minnesota Council for the Gifted & Talented
5701 Normandale Road, Suite 162
Edina, MN 55424